Gigabyte CDRomland OC Workshop

Tradeshow & OC events by leeghoofd @ 2014-04-15

After a first successful outing of the Hardware.Info Pro OC team, it was time to head to a new location. Bundling forces with Gigabyte, Intel and the CDRomLand store the stage was set for another OC workshop. Since the Hardware.Info team is involved in HWBOT's Pro OC Cup some scores had to be improved to remain within the top 10. A tedious task as overclocking with a curious crowd, constantly asking questions, adds up to the challenge. Time to head over to the lovely city of Breda to the CDRomLand shop.

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Event Photos

First up some pictures of the WR setup; note the extra installed video card, anything to regain back the screen or monitor signal. At first the heating gun was used, while this solution was ditched later on by using the two profiles.





Nedernakker was assisted by Oldscarface, not only for supplying the required amounts of LN2, but also to verify the temp readings, aid with the profile switching, etc... four eyes are usually better then two :) Both the Gigabyte Z87X-OC and the volt modded R290X kept on running flawless during over 7 hours under extreme cold. Ultra Durable rings a bell anyone ?





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