MSI MOA 2009 Grand Final: European domination

Tradeshow & OC events by massman @ 2009-09-07

Last week a group of enthusiast overclockers met in Beijng for the world Finals of the MSI Overclocking ChampionShip of 2009. Our very own Massman was able to squeeze himself into a spare seat to watch the action from the front lines. This is his report of the events

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Results and final thoughts


MSI is using a different method to rank the competitors.

The scores where calculated based on the gain in percentage over the base score. So, the higher you score the more points you gather, which is a different approach than Gigabyte has used since the results of the other competitors don't affect your points. So, it's just pushing your system as hard as possible and hoping your scores are good enough to win. On the one hand, it's good because it requires the overclockers to really push their system in each benchmark, but on the other hand, it's more competitive if all teams can have an effect on the ranking, even though their not the best in all benchmarks. For instance, teams who don't have a good VGA can still be important when pushing for the first place in the 32M ranking as their result might affect the points awarded to another team's result

I already mentioned this on the first page, but in the contrary to the EU event, MSI had a continuous updated live scoreboard running so every competitor could see where he's ranking and how hard he has to push to gain a couple more places. Actually, the lay-out (as seen in the pictures on the previous pages) was one of the more good-looking ones I've seen as it did include headshots of the current leading team. Nice work!

Let's have a look at the results:

Madshrimps (c)

Okay, many of you were probably wondering when I was going to explain the title, but I believe this picture says more than a thousand words: in the top5, Europe has 4 (four!!) teams, which makes it the best overclocking continent by quite a margin. Actually, I suggest that in next year's event even more European teams should be present. And no, I'm not biased by the fact that I'm European and didn't make it to the Grand Final *wink*.

A look at the Top3.

Madshrimps (c)

Final thoughts

Okay, time to separate the boys from the men as we need to render our verdict about this overclocking event. To make it easier for everyone, let's make a simple pro and contra list.

+ Obtained results are absolutely excellent
+ European teams performed at a really high level
+ GTX275 Lightning's overclockability
+ Live scoreboard
+ How Wprime turned out to be quite okay
+ The organisation in general, also location

- The hotel was, although Olympic, not that great
- Some teams received hardware, some didn't
- Using Wprime V2.00 instead of V1.55

As you can see, I'm a lot happier with this event than the EU finals, but please regard this as "it was even better" rather than "first one was bad". As an overclocker, I see these overclocking events definitely moving in the right direction, although some things still can improve. Together with different other overclocking-related instances I (well: HWBot) am working on a bigger, better overclocking platform and hope that manufacturers such as Gigabyte and MSI are willing to sit down with us to listen to what we think could be better. I have no time left to elaborate on the specific ideals or details of the plans, but if you are interested (end-user or manufacturer) please let me know either through mail or the forums. Also, if you have ideas of your own, which I'm sure you have, don't hesitate to report!

Before I go, I'd like to thank (unfortunate) Issaïe - Trouffman who helped me get in contact with the people who flew me over. Next to that I'd very much, much like to thank Fiona of MSI for approving my request; and of course the entire MSI crew for the excellent trip. Count me in for next year!!

To end with, I'd like to show you a epic picture of the Senior Vice-President of MSI at the event. Thank you for reading all through the article and 'till the next time!

Madshrimps (c)
Hendry Lu, Senior Vice President in an epic shot

Just before I go I want to give a small tip to anyone who wants to win at a live overclocking championship. Not everyone is aware of this but underneath is a picture of why the Swedes won: they had their own mascot cheering them on during the competition.

Madshrimps (c)

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