LN2 Cooled Galaxy 9600 GT Breaks World 3D Records

Overclocking/OC-Team.be by massman @ 2008-04-05

Madshrimps cooperating with Belgium´s finest overclockers pay offs, in this article we detail the efforts of two OCTB crew members as they push a Galaxy 9600 GT past its limits using LN2. Warning: Frozen World Records Inside!

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Voltage Modifications

GPU voltage modification:

We start of with the modifying the amount of voltage goes the GPU, in the photos below we have noted where to solder:

Madshrimps (c)

Solder a 50K or 100K trimmer between the red point and the blue point in order to change the voltage of the GPU.

Memory voltage modification :

Madshrimps (c)

Solder a 50K or 100K trimmer between the red point and the blue point in order to change the voltage of the Memory. Note that the blue stripe refers to ground.

Voltage readout points :

Madshrimps (c)

Madshrimps' modified card:

Let's have a look at how we modded the cards.

Madshrimps (c)

Attached two 50K trimmers to the card and soldered the middle pin to each other. This way, we only need to solder to a ground pin once, which makes the mod a lot cleaner.

We soldered a molex pin to the readout point to be able to measure the voltage of the memory or the gpu core without having to twist 'n turn our way to the back of the card all the time.

Madshrimps (c)

We tried to hide the wire to the memory voltage chip a bit to ensure we won't be ripping it off by accident
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