Gigabyte GOOC2010 World Final

Tradeshow & OC events by leeghoofd @ 2010-10-01

After the several regional qualifiers it was time to put the best 15 overclockers head to head for the ultimate showdown. After USA Fugger from XS had won in 2009, who will be crowned as to be the best Gigabyte World Champion in 2010 ? Due to the qualification of our beloved Massman, apparently known as Tom Cruise in Taiwan, I was allowed to accompany him as Press for this OC event in Taipei. After packing my bags I was off on a 10K journey to the mother of all hardware places, Taipei in Taiwan.

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The end is near

Finish in sight :

Four hours and thirty minutes of pure concentration and stress puts a heavy load on the human body. Decisions, decisions : do I swap the motherboard ? The CPU ? What can I do to improve my scores even further? This is what makes a live event totally different from benching at home.

It was clear that the top 3 all could have a shot at the win. It was a very close battle between Matose from Romania, StephenYeong from HK and Speedtime.wing from China. Matose was still in the lead as he had submitted scores for all tests, Stephen still had to run Maxxmem. With a decent run he would take the lead, but his system got very unstable and he decided to swap the motherboard during the last hour and a half. Matose also dried up his rig to push again for the last part of the competition.

Madshrimps (c)

Slamms from Russia, swapped the CPU. Getting far better results down the road and finally finishing in a nice 5th spot. Well done man !

Madshrimps (c)

Massman kept on trying, but his system was not even close as to what is was doing at start. 5.6-5.7Ghz being the most he could get out of the CPU. After the event, he noticed the PWM area was completely frozen, a result of an inferior insulation ( he lost his magical paper towel ). It just wasn't to be his day.

Madshrimps (c)

The picture above is the scoreboard an hour or so before the end.

Could Stephen still pull off a decent Maxxmem run ? We were all standing next to his table and saw him get stuck each time around 21K. He apparently wasn't aware of the Maxxmem trick. Just boot with the highest possible Bclock. He booted at 200Bclock and then upped via SetFSB or Easytune. But the scores didn't improve that much. Monstru got very nervous as the final seconds ticked way.

Stephen finally managed a 25.1K Maxxmem run. Probably not good enough to secure the top spot. The scoreboard we recalled 10 minutes from the ending, didn't reflect the real scores. The Gigabyte staff decided to cut the scoreboard 10 minutes from the end. This to enhance the suspense even more. We had to take into account Stephens best Maxxmem run, plus the Superpi32m scores would count for 30 points iso 20 points for the other benchmarks.

Global Marketing director Mister Tim Handley had the honor to tell us who won:

Madshrimps (c)

3rd place for mister Speedtime.wing :

Madshrimps (c)

2nd spot for mister Stephen Yeong :

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Gigabyte GOOC 2010 winner from Romania, mister Matose ! In the lead from almost the start of the competition, driving his media man, mister Monstru, insane from joy !!

Madshrimps (c)

The final scoreboard, the Maxxmem score of Stephen isn't listed. We got no idea if the screenshot made was invalid or even saved. Though apparently he secured 2nd spot, due to his fast Superpi 32m score. Job well done sirs. Jengkol and Slamms closing the top 5.

Madshrimps (c)
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Comment from Teemto @ 2010/10/02
Nice report, shame Massman didn't finish in the top 3.
Is he loosing his touch
Comment from jmke @ 2010/10/02
I'd say he's maybe touching too much
Comment from nigel @ 2010/10/08

and wel this explains what Massman was doing while i was looking at the live stream xD

