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Skull66 4th March 2004 11:41

I have a galaxy fx5900 which I bought just before Crimbo, it looks different to the fx5900xt that is displayed on Galaxy's website now and the box doesn't mention xt, the core runs at 300 and the mem at 875 according to rivatuner, when I flash to 5950 bios (tried leadtek and reference) I can boot to safe mode but if I change screen res from 640x480 and reboot widows doesn't come up at all justt a few coloured pixels show. desperately want to get galaxy fx5950 bios to try.:rolleyes:

JediMasterYoda 6th March 2004 11:46

3d problems post bios update
I have a leadtek fx5900 lx and currently on stock bios I have gpu/mem @ 500/950 respectively stable with no artifacts or lock ups. I tried to upgrade the bios to the 5950u and it worked fine, but when I enter 3d applications I get a pulsing effect that makes it quite annoying to play games with. does anyone else have this problem? I have the gpu water cooled with a swiftech mcw50 and have tweakmonster ram sinks on the memory. and it also ran fine at the above frequencies, why doesn't it work with the 5950 bios? also all the links to the leadtek a380 bios on the leadtek site don't show the a380 bios, has leadtek removed the bios update for the fx5950 ultra? if so where can I get a copy of the bios now? I deleted the bios I had before because I didn't think the lx worked properly, but now that I've read that others have done it to their lx successfully, i'd like to give it another whirl.

OC McNoob 6th March 2004 12:47

Best source for FX5900 BIOS's

JediMasterYoda 6th March 2004 20:50

thx very much oc mcnoob, wow, this guy's got tonnes of bios'. I guess if one of them isn't working i can try the rev1 , 2, or 3. Cool

JediMasterYoda 7th March 2004 09:23

*sighs* Well still confronted with the same problem, I flashed my fx5900lx with the leadtek a380 bios rev 2 and rev 1 and still find the same problem. When start a 3d app there is a "pulsing" in the background. maybe the memory or the card can't take the increased voltage. Any suggestions? I have at present the original bios flashed back on and the clock speeds are 500/950

OC McNoob 7th March 2004 10:19

Re: unsuccessful

Originally posted by JediMasterYoda
*sighs* Well still confronted with the same problem, I flashed my fx5900lx with the leadtek a380 bios rev 2 and rev 1 and still find the same problem. When start a 3d app there is a "pulsing" in the background. maybe the memory or the card can't take the increased voltage. Any suggestions? I have at present the original bios flashed back on and the clock speeds are 500/950
Since you have the LX I'd be very content with the clock speeds your getting!!! You can try an FX5900 ultra BIOS but WTF your getting great clock speeds and your concern should be in keeping that LX card of your cool enough to handle those great clock speeds ;)

JediMasterYoda 7th March 2004 15:23

thx again for your prompt reply Mcnoob, yes I am happy with my clock speeds =) just wanted to see if I could get it to register like a fx5950 lol. I've got a swiftech mcw50 water cooler for the gpu and tweak monster ram sinks for the ram. I am quite aware of the fact that I have 2.8 ns ram on my lx, but the fact that ppl were able successfully do this bios tweak with the same card sparked some new interest. But the world isn't perfect and I have my card running at fx5950 speeds + anyways.

sambucca 12th March 2004 17:26

first of al...great forum!
i'm in LA for a week and i ordered a Gainward fx5900/ultra 1100.

The card i actually received was the gainward fx5900xt/ultra 1100. now as far as i know this is the card with the 2,8 ns memory.

the only reason i bought this card was so that i can overclock it to a 5950U.

I've been reading through this forum and i've been reading about different results with 5900xt cards.
From what i've read it's not the GPU giving the problems, it's the memory. I've read something about the ultra in gainwards cards meant that the memory is faster.

Does anyone know if y gainward fx5900xt card can successfully be overclocked to the 5950U speeds WITH tv-out working AND AGP 8x?

This being my last day here, i can still send it back and buy a R9800 pro or similar when i get back to europe.
Any suggestions?
please help.

BYTEaBIT 12th March 2004 22:49

For those of you who can't flash their BIOS
Hi guys,

My old trusted GF4 suddenly decided to leave this cruel world and comitted suicide.

Rushed to the nearest computerstore and flung down a GF FX 59oo from the shelve

It has recided less than 12 hours in my AGP slot and it's now finally flashed to a 5950.

Initally I tried NVFLASH 4.41, 4.42 and 4.46 but nothing worked.
Tried many different BIOSES e.g. Leadtech and Gainward, but still nothing worked.

Finially I was so desperat that I just typed "flash.bat" and everything came out nicely.

My (cheap GF 5900) now thinks it's an GF 5950.


HaLDoL 16th March 2004 18:42

I oc'd my cheap 5900xt to 606/930 artifact free and on air.
Quite an oc if you consider it runs 390/680 default.

I got this result in 3dm03

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