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Docks 12th January 2004 18:48

we tried flashing it with a few different bios'es and we tried back ( to make sure it would still work with regular bios lol ) I would never flash my MSI 5900 to anything else but a msi 5950, so ill have my story on that mabye in a week or two. including benchmarks and temps.

easypanic 12th January 2004 18:56

will try my XFX later this evening, will keep you guys noticed

jmke 12th January 2004 19:28

@WeldZilla: don't like it, don't do it.

proof is out there that flashing the card will increase the vcore to to core allowing higher overclocks,

the downside is the higher memory timings which makes you lose some performance @ default 5900 speeds, but once you clock it on par with the 5950 it outperforms the latter.

Lysnyt 12th January 2004 20:05

Peace we have asus 9950 ..please when u have any info what can we do with tvout problem contact me email..

gjohn 12th January 2004 21:44

i got my XFX to take the flash! overclocks much higher, and 9c cooler! was stuck at 475/900, now at 500/950 and climbing!

i used the steps that revo2001 used, except i used this BIOS.

WeldZilla 12th January 2004 21:48

hey jmke you are such an expert how about posting your scores? gee it says you use a radeon card ,I suppose you are going to dump it now for a flashed 5900. You are just leading many of these unexperienced users down the road to hell. And from what I see, they are just stupid enough to follow you.

jmke 12th January 2004 21:54

gee WeldZilla, if you'd taken the trouble to even read the thread or maybe follow the links I posted, you might even have seen the numbers you say arent there.

I'm not going to dump my radeon, I'm going to buy an FX5900 to try to mod and do some benchmarks :)
that way I know for certain.

"I'll buy that for a dollar"


--------------Original BIOS----------------------
FX5900 @ 475Mhz/950Mhz DDR (Overclocked to FX5950U Speeds)

3DMark03: 5770
Quake 3 Arena: 232.8 FPS (1024x768 HQ, V-Sync on)
Quake 3 Arena: 212.3 FPS (1600x1200 HQ, V-Sync on)

Max Overclock: 490Mhz/975Mhz DDR

3DMark03 @ Max Overclock: 5882 <----UPDATE

---------------A380U BIOS----------------------
FX5950 @ 475Mhz/950Mhz DDR (Default FX5950U Speeds)

3DMark03: 5661
Quake 3 Arena: 228.1 FPS (1024x768 HQ, V-Sync on)
Quake 3 Arena: 207.1 FPS (1600x1200 HQ, V-Sync on)

Max Overclock: 515Mhz/ 990Mhz DDR

3DMark03 @ Max Overclock: 5981 <----UPDATE

Mavke 12th January 2004 21:57

As I started this on another board as well. I will soon setup my website that will contain at most BIOS Files of any Geforce FX Card. But before I do I want to get some more BIOS Files.

Up till now I have some of Creative Labs, Club 3D, ProLink, PNY, Gainward, Albatron,...

Anyone who can send me his BIOS file of his Card would be highly appreciated, send to :
And put in mail :
- Brand/Manufacturer
- Type FXxxxx Ultra/Non Ultra/TX...


jmke 12th January 2004 22:04

check your PM Mavke! :)

WeldZilla 12th January 2004 22:11

Recomendation for you
I recomend the e-VGA 5900fx. Not the SE version the version with 2,2ns mem chips. It overclocks really well. 502 and 1002 easily and it stays cool. 39C at those settings. as you can see by my scores it will be a significant improvement for you. I am not sure of the availability of them in Belgium but as you live in the Diamond capital of the world you should be able to find one. Afterall the e-VGA 5900fx is defintely a diamond in the rough!! If you get it and flash it to higher scores than I am getting I will defer to you and head right down the road with you. As I stated I have yet to see any scores that are near mine at a standard OC.
A quick pic to show you where my card lives.


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