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Xigmatek Cuirassier-N002 Memory Heat Spreaders Xigmatek Cuirassier-N002 Memory Heat Spreaders
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Xigmatek Cuirassier-N002 Memory Heat Spreaders
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Old 18th April 2009, 09:52   #1
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Default Xigmatek Cuirassier-N002 Memory Heat Spreaders

Xigmatek, while being known for their very impressive CPU cooler line-up, has decided to break the mold and have branched into memory cooling as well. Xigmatek has made two variations of their new endeavor, one of which is a standard basic style heat spreader, while another, bit more ambitious version includes one, solo H.D.T heat pipe that actually runs across the IC’s (actual memory chips). Xigmatek passed along for me to review the first style of the more basic heat spreader concept, with the Cuirassier-N002. The second H.D.T. design is called the Dragoon-N442, which I hope to receive and review as well.

Xigmatek has designed the Cuirassier-N002’s from extruded aluminum and it looks to be anodized black, with a white Xigmatek logo painted on either side of the spreaders. At the top of each side of the spreaders is a 5-fin, aluminum array to allow a fan to help dissipate the heat. Most pre-applied spreaders come with a foam based tape or a stringy tape that won’t allow any sort of reapplication of the spreaders without a lot of work involved, while the Cuirassiers come with L37-5, silicone rubber, to transfer the heat from the IC’s to the spreaders.
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