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Kentucky teen gets in hot water over text Kentucky teen gets in hot water over text
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Kentucky teen gets in hot water over text
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Old 23rd July 2012, 09:26   #1
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Default Kentucky teen gets in hot water over text

A Kentucky teenager could be jailed after tweeting the names of two teens who admitted guilty to sexually assaulting her.

Seventeen-year-old Savannah Dietrich was furious at the way two two teens were able to plea bargain their way out of her case.

The court heard how the sexual assault occurred when she passed out at a party last year. Her attackers then molested her, and they also allegedly videotaped the incident and shared it with their mates online.

According to the Louisville Courier Journal, the juvenile defendants were charged with first-degree sexual abuse and misdemeanour voyeurism.

However Dietrich was miffed that they were able to keep their anonymity and walk out of court with a slap on the wrist. She tweeted their names and what they did, which puts her in contempt of court.

Dietrich said that she did not really understand a justice system that jailed her for talking about her ordeal, but allowed the boys who sexually assaulted her to walk free.

She could face a $500 fine and up to 180 days in jail for the act if she is found guilty of being in contempt of the court.

Dietrich does not seem concerned about the jail risk. She said that if she has to go to jail for her rights, she will do it.

She said that protecting rapists appear to be more important than getting justice for the victim in Louisville.

She reiterated in a Courier Journal interview that she was fully prepared to pay the price for her actions.
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