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Intel Larrabee is going to render DirectX and OpenGL games through rasterisation Intel Larrabee is going to render DirectX and OpenGL games through rasterisation
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Intel Larrabee is going to render DirectX and OpenGL games through rasterisation
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Old 23rd July 2008, 23:12   #1
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Default Intel Larrabee is going to render DirectX and OpenGL games through rasterisation

I've been trying to keep quiet, but I need to get one thing very clear. Larrabee is going to render DirectX and OpenGL games through rasterisation, not through raytracing.

I'm not sure how the message got so muddled. I think in our quest to just keep our heads down and get on with it, we've possibly been a bit too quiet. So some comments about exciting new rendering tech got misinterpreted as our one and only plan. Larrabee's tech enables many fascinating possibilities, and we're excited by all of them. But this current confusion has got a lot of developers worried about us breaking their games and forcing them to change the way they do things. That's not the case, and I apologise for any panic.

There's only one way to render the huge range of DirectX and OpenGL games out there, and that's the way they were designed to run - the conventional rasterisation pipeline. That has been the goal for the Larrabee team from day one, and it continues to be the primary focus of the hardware and software teams. We take triangles, we rasterise them, we do Z tests, we do pixel shading, we write to a framebuffer. There's plenty of room within that pipeline for innovation to last us for many years to come. It's done very nicely for over a quarter of a century, and there's plenty of life in the old thing yet.]]

Last edited by jmke : 23rd July 2008 at 23:21.
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