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Input Lag and You: Dell 2408WFP report Input Lag and You: Dell 2408WFP report
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Input Lag and You: Dell 2408WFP report
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Old 24th October 2008, 10:56   #1
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Default Input Lag and You: Dell 2408WFP report

Owning uber powerful computers is one thing, but experiencing
the power is another. Having more than half a dozen computers at home, it's
kind of interesting how my main machine is not paired up with an incredible
display setup. That said, I don't think it ever sucked. Seven years ago, I
became a proud owner of a 17" NEC LCD1712 LCD monitor -- that was the days
when CRT monitors were the most common, and everyone who actually had an LCD
was 15". Three years later, I purchased a 20" Dell 2005FPW when it was on
sale. That was the time when most people only had a 17" or 19" -- a 20"
widescreen was uncommon -- not to mention the beautiful 8-bit S-IPS panel.
Two and a half years later, the monitor died. I called up Dell and I was
immediately sent a replacement. Interestingly, they got me a Dell 2007FP;
which was a standard aspect 20" monitor. Because it has larger surface area,
I decided to keep it. At the meantime, thanks to the cross-ship replacement,
I hooked up both screens to my computer temporarily for the weekend and was
immediately addicted to the benefits of dual monitors. Wanting the best of
both worlds, I purchased a widescreen 20" monitor as a secondary unit after I
returned my Dell 2005FPW, and I bought a pretty cheap one with a 6-bit TN
panel because I thought I could not tell the difference much. I wasn't too
satisfied at the end, to be honest. Getting used to wide viewing angles and
nice colors by 8-bit units, and the TN panel used simultaneously with my
S-PVA Dell 2007FP, along with the lack of height adjustable stands, I knew I
would not keep it for all too long. I was right.

So, I went monitor-shopping online. I wanted something that matches my Dell
2007FP, larger than anything I've owned before, but it has to fit on my desk.
After some research, I found the one I wanted. That's the Dell 2408WFP. With
tons of inputs, S-PVA panel with greater than 100% NTSC color gamut, height
adjustable stand, etc... Generally speaking; you name it, it has it. With
similar display height as my Dell 2007FP and identical vertical resolution, I
found my computer setup in my room to be more perfect than ever. Some
research online indicates that the 2408WFP has 'input lag' issues, but most
reports indicate that it is 'not significant' in reality. Yes, some
benchmarks measure it to be up to and around 50ms, but how does that ACTUALLY
affect the end user?
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