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Identity Theft at Work
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Old 27th June 2006, 20:29   #1
[M] Reviewer
Join Date: Jun 2002
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piotke Freshly Registered
Identity Theft at Work

Quote: I believe lack of understanding is the main security issue with
identity theft; therefore, I gave a presentation to my company recently. In
it I mentioned how easy it is to steal someone's identity at work. My hope
was that employees would fear for their own identity and have a better
understanding of why they need to support our security policies. If an
employee understands how to protect their identity at work, odds are they
will protect a customer's identity from theft. This article highlights some
of the points from my presentation and follows up with the actions we are
taking to prevent identity theft and breeches of security at work. My goal
is that viewers who read this article can learn how to protect their
information from identity theft at work and at home. If anyone in the IT
field reads this article and doesn't have a security policy in place to
deal with identity theft at work, I would hope this article convinces them
into protecting their fellow employees identity. As an added bonus, doing
these things will increase security at work and eliminate some headaches
down the road
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