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The Future ATI Catalyst Drivers - Why you should be excited! The Future ATI Catalyst Drivers - Why you should be excited!
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The Future ATI Catalyst Drivers - Why you should be excited!
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Old 17th February 2010, 11:33   #1
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Default The Future ATI Catalyst Drivers - Why you should be excited!

One of the first features that will be implemented into the 10.2s is that CrossFire profiles will now be removed from the 3D Driver and be in a separate update. The idea behind this is that if a new game comes out, the team at ATI can knock together a profiles update so that CrossFire performs at its peak sooner rather than later.

The idea behind the redesign of the CrossFireX architecture is that when the new Fusion based APU's come out, users will be able to (hopefully) combine the IGP with a discrete video card. There's so much more to it, though. ATI will be pulling the Multi-GPU code from the driver and making its own component which is all part of the redesign of it. It's clear that the focus in the future is to take CrossFire to the next level when it comes to performance.

CrossFire Eyefinity: While we've seen it for a while, the 10.2 release will mark official support for the technology. What it does is fairly obvious; it now gives users the ability to run Eyefinity with a CrossFire or CrossFireX setup, letting you enjoy the power that a Multi-GPU setup gives on a multi monitor setup.
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