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End of the Internet or the beginning of a new-style Internet? End of the Internet or the beginning of a new-style Internet?
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End of the Internet or the beginning of a new-style Internet?
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Old 6th February 2012, 08:31   #1
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Default End of the Internet or the beginning of a new-style Internet?

Those eight little letters, spawned into a web for the entire world, connecting everyone together instantly, forming entirely new paths of business, communication, research, ways to make money: a virtually unlimited and ever-expanding entity. The Internet is like the Big Bang Theory - an explosion and a continuation of an expansion.

This expansion lead to file-sharing, where in the 80s, Usenet (or newsgroups) and Bulletin Boards were used to not only have open, or closed discussion, but a form of file transfer. Usenet was the precursor to Internet forums we all frequent today. It was, and still is, more of an "underground" thing.
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