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Old 20th January 2007, 00:53   #1
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Default DFI LANParty UT ICFX3200 T2R/G

"DFI's LANParty UT ICFX3200 T2R/G is mostly a motherboard for enthusiasts that want to get serious about overclocking. It's for those of you that took stuff apart as a child, then played with those bits for longer than they had when the toy / remote / Dad's new phone was in one piece.

For around £180 including VAT, the ICFX3200 T2R/G requires some serious investment, especially given that the heavily overclockable P965 boards top out at around the £140 mark and the promising nForce 650i boards are even cheaper. However, it's still cheaper than most of the problem-free nForce 680i SLI mobos that are £200+.

In that respect, the board falls into a bit of niche, where it's still an expensive motherboard (even more so considering it's the UT version that comes with a meagre bundle), but it's still not as serious of an investment as some boards on the market. So yeah, it's just like a Ferrari."
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