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Cooler Master Announces ESA Chassis, PSU and Watering Cooling Cooler Master Announces ESA Chassis, PSU and Watering Cooling
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Cooler Master Announces ESA Chassis, PSU and Watering Cooling
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Old 13th November 2007, 05:48   #1
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Icon17 Cooler Master Announces ESA Chassis, PSU and Watering Cooling

Cooler Master Co. Ltd. proudly announces the support of Enthusiast System Architecture (ESA), an industry wide initiative to integrate communication between PC components, thereby improving user control of enthusiast systems. With immediate worldwide availability of the COSMOS ESA – an updated version of the company’s flagship chassis – ESA certified power supplies and water cooling units will be available from Cooler Master shortly after the launch.

COSMOS ESA looks almost identical to the original COSMOS chassis from Cooler Master, with the same high-end features and enthusiast level of performance. The ESA edition includes an additional thermal control board that includes four separate sensors for monitoring and adjusting fan speeds. System information is then displayed through a software control panel provided by Nvidia. Upcoming Cooler Master ESA power supplies will allow users to monitor temperatures, currents, and voltages, while Cooler Master ESA water cooling units will allow users to monitor and control pumps, fans, water temperatures and flow rates.

About Cooler Master

Cooler Master was founded to provide the best thermal solutions to our customers worldwide. Since its establishment a decade ago, we continue to invest in product development in order to provide the leading-edge innovations to people and businesses. Cooler Master’s enclosure technology line-up includes heat sinks and fans, chassis, power supplies, function panels and accessories. Cooler Master is headquartered in Taiwan, with global branch offices located across in Europe, America and APAC, so that we can offer to our customers the best service in time. For more information on Cooler Master, please visit
Attached Thumbnails
cooler-master-announces-esa-chassis-psu-watering-cooling-esa.jpg cooler-master-announces-esa-chassis-psu-watering-cooling-front_left.jpg cooler-master-announces-esa-chassis-psu-watering-cooling-front_left_1.jpg cooler-master-announces-esa-chassis-psu-watering-cooling-side_open.jpg

Opteron 165 (2) @2.85 1.42 vcore AMD Stock HSF + Chill Vent II
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Old 13th November 2007, 09:17   #2
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the fan on the side panel... doesn't look good; and will not really serve a purpose, the Cosmos has enough cooling as it is already!
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