Assembling - a new color combo This doesn’t look half bad; let’s continue with the front side.
Making a custom 5.25” front panelI bought a 2mm thick aluminum plate which will serve as a new mounting plate for the front panel of the case.
A few hours of drilling and cutting later I ended up with a nearly complete new multi functional panel:
The final touches took another few hours to finish, but the end result was more than okay:
And after a fresh coat of paint it’s ready for usage:
Then it was time to put in all the new components, I had little room to work in as everything had to fit inside the 5.25” bay area.
The control panel holds:
Three rheobus at the top which control four RGB leds
Top right corner has ON/OFF button for the PC as well as the power and HDD leds.
In the middle a 5” TFT
To the left of the TFT three coaxial connections
To the right of the TFT four buttons for control of brightness/contrast and volume
Under the TFT a control unit for 2 blue and 2 red CCFL’s;
At each side of that control unit speakers which belong to the TFT screen
Last but not least, 7 switches that control LEDs which are placed in- and outside the case.
Inside the front panel of the Kandalf it looks like this:
Let’s add some reflections inside ->