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Stryker 8th March 2003 09:37

gah @ tip 5, i have no clue what it could be

TeuS 8th March 2003 10:14


Originally posted by piotke
Can / may we add extra words to the question ?

Is the answer a word/number or a sentence ?


Originally posted by jmke
During the week from 3 to 9 march we will be posting tips which will consist of words and letters. The The words and letters will form a question … it’s your job to puzzle with words and letters to find that question ... and answer it.

Bosw8er 8th March 2003 11:05


Originally posted by piotke
a)was this the last tip ?

b) Can / may we add extra words to the question ?

c) Is the answer a word/number or a sentence ?


4 very easy to find tips, 1 a little more difficult

b) no, 5 tips will form a question, ... nothing to add

c) ONE word

Roswell 8th March 2003 11:09

i think i got it!!!!!!!!!!!!! whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

let's see what price i want to win

(it's pretty easy btw :grin: .... EDIT: or isn't it .. just came to the conclusion it might be wrong)

edit: LOL, i did a search for that outlook question:

Today at 11:11 eval 3
Today at 11:07 last edited by jmke 3
Today at 11:06 newpost 2
Today at 10:28 *4* 2783
Today at 02:21 tip 54
Today at 02:21 *4* 2782
Today at 02:01 word 123
Today at 02:01 word 123
Yesterday at 21:14 twinmos 8
Yesterday at 21:14 twinmos

someone searches for "4" :^D

Roswell 8th March 2003 11:54


Originally posted by jmke
then select "do not deliver before"

and set the right date & time =)

I'm good :grin:

HMM, just tried to do that... that's made with OUTLOOK, i have outlook EXPRESS :(

don't that work then or what?

verstap 8th March 2003 12:02


Originally posted by Roswell

HMM, just tried to do that... that's made with OUTLOOK, i have outlook EXPRESS :(

don't that work then or what?

No doesn't seem to work, didn't find anything in the help-file. Well send me your answer and I'll post it for you :grin:

quarantaine 8th March 2003 12:05

thank god we have time t'ill tomorow

i don't have a clue about what it is meaning .

jmke 8th March 2003 12:11


Originally posted by Roswell
Is it possible in outlook
you clearly said OUTLOOK Roswell :p


combine the *%!/%¨^ with TIP # ¨%*°\(!

seem to be experiencing some communication troubles, going to higher orbit :grin:

iNFERNiS 8th March 2003 13:55

i still don't have 4, and don't know where 5 is either. I searched trough every article and howto, to the entire forum, still nothing.

arf :grum:

jmke 8th March 2003 14:01

you don't know here #5 is??? come on man.. IN THIS THREAD!

we are giving away Hardware with a total value of 350+ €
we are not going to make it a walk in the park

but not impossible either.

the first beta drawing of this contest was even harder, we already "dumbed" it down :)

iNFERNiS 8th March 2003 14:06

ow, overlooked the link :)
wow that tip really made sense to me :o

how about 4? At least tell me if it's on the forum or the actual site, it's driving me :mad:

edit: You said 5 was going to be really hard, as in "putting it somewhere hard to find", so I didn't expect it to be in this thread :D

jmke 8th March 2003 14:08

not going to tell you where it is.
you already said in your last post where you looked

it is obvious you OVERlooked it :)

just to show you that it is NOT impossible
just received an e-mail, with the correct answer from someone

to bad he mailed to early , otherwise he would have went home with Pack5 :(

Da`Hitch 8th March 2003 14:45

so we can't add letters, but can we remove letters?

jmke 8th March 2003 14:47

do not remove letters
do not add letters

just paste ONE letter (wonder which one :rolleyes: )
onto one of the previous words
and form & question, then answer it

don't look to far.. it ain't THAT difficult

iNFERNiS 8th March 2003 14:52

i'm giving up, really can't find it, heh :)

jmke 8th March 2003 14:57

we only added this to recent pages/forum/newsposts

not that hard really


edit: You said 5 was going to be really hard, as in "putting it somewhere hard to find", so I didn't expect it to be in this thread
4 was hard enough already ;p

quarantaine 8th March 2003 15:46


Originally posted by jmke
do not remove letters
do not add letters

just paste ONE letter (wonder which one :rolleyes: )
onto one of the previous words
and form & question, then answer it

don't look to far.. it ain't THAT difficult

i have a sentence but it isnt a question :(

ok een vraag gevonden , maar het is lachwekkend :D

krijgen de meest originele inzendingen ook een prijs? :^D

piotke 8th March 2003 15:46

in what language does the question have to be answered :)

English ? Dutch ? French ? German ? Polish ?

Don't know more languages

verstap 8th March 2003 15:54

How are you going to order the mails? By the time they arrive or the time the're sended? Because there can be a big difference between some accounts. Just tested out my accounts and I ain't gonna use skyslet :rolleyes:

Blade 8th March 2003 15:56

Is it possible that the question is written in rather "crappy" english?

verstap 8th March 2003 15:59


Originally posted by Blade
Is it possible that the question is written in rather "crappy" english?
It also slipped my mind.

Syco 8th March 2003 16:32

mine too, It made me hesitate

dirkwald 8th March 2003 16:36

1700 GMT = 1800 WFMT right? ;D

WFMT = W.-Flanders Mean Time

Erik701 8th March 2003 18:35

Yes Dirkwald. And the question is in "crappy" english indeed :^D

iNFERNiS 8th March 2003 18:53

WHERE THA F00K iS #4!!

sorry, had to let that out.
No luck yet, but i'll keep lookin'

and lookin', and lookin'....

wish me luck :D


I found it..omg omg omg...FINALLY!! :grin:

Stryker 8th March 2003 19:40

k, well i formed the question, but i don't have a clue what to answer:(

Erik701 8th March 2003 19:56


Originally posted by Stryker
k, well i formed the question, but i don't have a clue what to answer:(
I don't think you have formed the right question then. Mine has a perfect answer. :o

Stryker 8th March 2003 20:00

doh, nm don't know what i was thinking there :p (forgot to rearrange the damn words)

iNFERNiS 8th March 2003 20:11

answer sent, dunno if it's right, hope so :D

verstap 8th March 2003 20:14


Originally posted by iNFERNiS
answer sent, dunno if it's right, hope so :D

Emails send before 17:00 GMT on march 9 will NOT win a thing.

iNFERNiS 8th March 2003 20:25

ah crap! I looked at the date on my comp and got confused. All the searching effort for nothing, damn timezone crap :grum:


now i c...

Guess i set the wrong year after my bios reset from last week, why does stupid **** like this always happen to me? :bash:

Anyways, if u del my mail, can i get a 2nd try?

Stryker 8th March 2003 20:40

mail will be just ignored i think so you haven't lost anything

piotke 8th March 2003 20:41


Emails send before 17:00 GMT on march 9 will NOT win a thing.
spijtig, weer een kansje meer ;D

Stryker 8th March 2003 20:44

Emails send before 17:00 GMT on march 9 will NOT win a thing.
kernwoord is hier : BEFORE
dus mails sent AFTER will win :p

piotke 8th March 2003 20:46


Originally posted by Stryker
Emails send before 17:00 GMT on march 9 will NOT win a thing.
kernwoord is hier : BEFORE
dus mails sent AFTER will win :p

your point being ? that's just what I stated.

Hij heeft zijn kans verspeeld...

Erik701 8th March 2003 20:48

c'mon give him another chance !

iNFERNiS 8th March 2003 20:49


Originally posted by piotke

your point being ? that's just what I stated.

Hij heeft zijn kans verspeeld...

't scheelt da ik het erom gedaan heb :rolleyes:

piotke 8th March 2003 20:50


Originally posted by iNFERNiS

't scheelt da ik het erom gedaan heb :rolleyes:

dat zeg ik toch nergens ?

Maar het staat in de eerste post, en halverwege de thread word het nog eens vermeld.

iNFERNiS 8th March 2003 20:51


Originally posted by piotke

dat zeg ik toch nergens ?

Maar het staat in de eerste post, en halverwege de thread word het nog eens vermeld.

ja, ik ben mij daar heel bewust van, maar kijk eens naar mijn screenshot + uitleg :)

piotke 8th March 2003 20:53


Originally posted by iNFERNiS

ja, ik ben mij daar heel bewust van, maar kijk eens naar mijn screenshot + uitleg :)

owla, niet echt op ingegaan.

In dat geval, zou ik zeggen, omdat het zo'n origineel excuus is ?

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