Global Win YCC-S27 Mini Desktop Case Review

Cases & PSU/Cases by piotke @ 2006-02-11

With the introduction and growing popularity of Windows XP Media center edition, more and more people are putting computer in their living room. The HTPC (Home Theater PC) opened a new market for slick designed cases. Today we are testing the Global Win YCC-S27 Mini desktop case. Is it possible to bring fast desktop performance silently to your living room? Let?s take a look.

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Naturally the first step is to "open" the case. This proved to be not an easy task as I thought .......

After unscrewing the two screws in the rear, the cover "should" normally come off, not in this case. After a lot of trying and testing I wasn't able to remove it. Time for some brute force! Finally the cover came off.

  • There was no manual supplied with this review sample. Glabal Win assures me that manual does come with every retail package. Accordingly, you need to the slide the top cover a bit forward and then it would come off, including the front panel.

  • Due to the tight fit, I had to exert more pressure for the top cover to get loose from the frame. Thanks guys, I was talking to myself afterward.

    I did not get hurt physically and nothing was damaged except my ego was a little dented.

    Once the case is opened, I found a "tower stand" inside:

    Madshrimps (c) Madshrimps (c) Madshrimps (c)

    I found no significant events further into the installation process. Everything went as it should. I didn't cut myself either, a good indication that there are no sharp edges.

    Removing the rack housing the drives would make installation easier:

    Madshrimps (c) Madshrimps (c) Madshrimps (c)

    Once everything is installed, it's easy to hide your IDE cables underneath the optical drive. Speaking of optical drive... I'm using a Nec NC2500 DVD writer, nothing special. This drive is located just above the memory modules. However, memory with heatspreaders being taller, it touches the optical drive. The only way to avoid this is by using a bit shorter drive or normal memory (without heatspreaders).

    Madshrimps (c) Madshrimps (c)

    With installation behind us, let's take a look at the included PSU. >>
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