CHERRY MW 4500 Ergonomic Wireless Mouse Review

Others/Mice & Keyboards by stefan @ 2018-04-29

Since the MW 4500 does come with a rather unusual shape, the user needs a bit of time to get used to it, when coming from a regular office mouse. The wireless feature is an added bonus, while the dongle is really small in order to be used with both laptops and desktops, without obstructing devices connected to nearby ports. For some extra flexibility, we do have three DPI steps to choose from: 600 / 900 / 1200 but considering the maximum DPI value we would not recommend it as a gaming product.

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A Closer Look Contd.

The right side does come with the usual left/right mouse buttons, a silent rubber-coated scroll wheel but also the DPI-switch button:





The bottom mouse layer is of grey color and does come with four Teflon feet; the shape of the feet is similar to the ones we have seen with other OEM mice, while the included sticker does come with the product code name, serial number but also power rating. The included sensor can operate in three DPI steps (600, 900, 1200); this characteristic does mostly recommend the mouse for office work:




After removing the bottom cover, we will get to see the battery compartment along with the Nano receiver:




The installation of the included AAA batteries is pretty straight-forward:




The Nano receiver does feature a small footprint, so we can install it once and leave it connected on our laptop/desktop PC:





After powering up the MW 4500 mouse, we will also get to see the lateral LED, which signals the current DPI mode, but also informs the user when the battery needs replacement:




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