Sitecom Wi-Fi Router X8 AC1750 WLR-8100 and Wi-Fi USB 3.0 AC1200 WLA-7100 Adapter Review

Others/Networking Gear by stefan @ 2013-12-17

The X8 AC1750 router from Sitecom is concurrent dual band and supports the latest AC standard; this is the first router which has entered in our lab to feature both USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 interfaces and all antennas are internal. The router can be paired with the new AC1200 WLA-7100 Wi-Fi adapter in order to achieve transfer speeds over 200Mbps.

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Packaging, A Closer Look Part I

In this article we will take a look upon the latest high-performance Wi-Fi router from Sitecom, the X8 AC1750 model to be more precise. This one is shipped inside a medium-sized cardboard box, with the necessary information printed on the external layer:




On one of the box laterals we will be able to see a list of package contents and system requirements, in different languages:




The opposite side has a description of SCS (Sitecom Cloud Security), which is an extra layer of protection against the viruses and phishing while browsing the Internet:




Nearby we will also find the list of product specifications and examples of product positioning:





On the back side of the box we will get to see a comparison of different router models, benefits, but also a small description of the routers’ ports and LEDs:




By removing the external packaging, we will find another plain cardboard box:




Inside we will find the main product, along with a leaflet which stores the initial login details:




The rest of the bundle is located on the bottom layer:




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