ADATA DashDrive Air AE400 Wireless Storage Reader and Power Bank Review

Others/Miscelleneous by stefan @ 2013-05-16

For users on the go, ADATA has created a new multifunctional device which acts as a wireless AP, USB storage drive or card reader and as an extra it also functions as a power bank, to recharge the tablet/mobile phone when we need it most.

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The Software Interface

As we have mentioned before, the DashDrive Air AE400 is a multifunctional device and we can switch between the multiple operating modes by pressing the top button. The operating modes are the following:


-Wireless Transfer

-Power Bank

-Wireless Transfer + Power Bank (only applicable to SD Cards)


When the Wireless Transfer mode is active, we will be able to see on our mobile phones or PC/Mac a newly created network, to which we can connect easily:




The AE400 will show itself as a computer inside the Network section, allowing us to browse the files on our SD card or any other storage device we have connected to it:





In order to access the configuration page, we can open any browser and access the following address: . The default user/password are admin/admin:




Afterwards we will be greeted by a simple interface, allowing us to perform modifications to the device. From here we can also adjust the internal date/time, the administrator password, restart the device, upgrade the firmware, shutdown or restore the settings to factory default:




If we do not want other people to connect to our newly created network in order to access the files, we can secure it with a password; in the same menu we can choose the Wireless channel:




The AE40 can also connect to an existing network with Internet access and function as a range extender on battery; for this we must enable the Internet Access option:




The detected networks will show up on the screen:




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