Seasonic Platinum 1000 Watt PSU Preview

Cases & PSU/Power Supplies by petervandamned @ 2011-11-28

Famous PSU manufacturer Seasonic released fully modular 860 and 1000 Watt power supply in their Platinum series. both 80PLUS® Platinum Certified. Madshrimps received the 1000w version and will put this PSU, in this review, through its paces, testing it under normal home situations. Seasonic also warrants this PSU for a full 7 years, pretty impressive in my book. In an upcoming review, we will head off to the Cooler Master Lab for a more detailed high end PSU's roundup. So stay tuned as we will do a total of 7 1000W and higher power supply in on tech review. But first let's introduce the Seasonic Platinum 1000Watt...

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Small ATX testing

Before the real system test we will do a small PSU tester set-up.

It's very simple tool for testing if a PSU does run correctly or not.

One ATX tester and the 2 x Arcol HS25 plus the Energy power meter:



Besides the PCP&C 860 we are testing several others too.

But this initial simple test already shows the Seasonic is really a low power consuming PSU compared to the others.



Time for the bench set-up ->


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