Antec Kühler H2O 920 CPU Cooler Review

Cooling/Water Cooling by stefan @ 2011-07-04

Antec has brought another compact water cooling system to the market, the Kühler H2O 920, which comes with a bigger radiator, more powerful PWM fans in a push-pull configuration, a multicolored LED and software customization through ChillControl V.

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Conclusive Thoughts

Antec has brought another compact water cooling system to the market, the Kühler 920, which comes with a bigger radiator, more powerful fans in a push-pull configuration, and software customization through ChillControl V. The installation can be done easy when following the instructions from the manual, and for the pump/plate combo we have the same mounting mechanism as on the 620 model.


In the software application, we can find two predefined profiles (Silent and Extreme), along with a Custom one. When testing the CPU cooler on the Silent setting, we have obtained somewhat high IDLE temperatures compared to the Kühler 620, mostly because the fans were rotating at a very low speed (600RPM). However, in Full Load the situation has changed and it managed to beat the 620 model by a large margin at 4GHz, while keeping the fans at a decent noise level. The high IDLE temperature issue can be solved quickly, by fine tuning the fan speed inside the provided software application.


While using the Extreme preset, the temperature difference was even higher, but the noise was a little too high for a 24/7 operation.


In the Future ChillControl V versions, it would be nice to see some more controls for the fan, for example a slider to set a certain fixed speed. Also, the LED could be controlled in such a way so the color could change with the temperature of the coolant; a small LCD screen which shows the current coolant temperature could also be added. (like the features we have seen on CoolIT Vantage).


The Antec Kühler 920 can be found in stores for prices between 90 and 100 Euros.


Antec Kühler H2O 920 CPU Cooler Recommended For:


I would like to thank again to Antec for making this review possible!


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