Lamptron Fan Controller FC5V2 Review

Others/Miscelleneous by stefan @ 2011-06-14

The FC5V2 fan controller comes with an improved LCD screen compared to the previous version, has the unique feature of being able to change the screen colour to one of the 7 available choices and provides more than enough power for each of the four channels (up to 30W).

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A Closer Look Part II

Four temperature probes are supplied along with the product, which are very responsive:





In the instruction manual, we are shown the product components, how to connect the fan/fan extension cables, how to operate the different jumpers or how to use the alarm function:





The “Silver Aluminum” version has a clean look and it looks best when installed on white/metallic gray cases; initially, the screen is covered by a transparent plastic protective screen:




Each channel comes with its own dial:




While looking from the top of the controller, we can locate two sandwiched PCBs, one for the LCD display and the other one for the power channels:




On the back, we can see the fan channels with the respective connectors and some other jumpers, headers:




On the right side, we can find the temperature probes headers, noted with JS1 to JS4, the alarm header and the select jumpers, which change the display modes (temperature displayed in degrees Celsius, Fahrenheit or voltage display mode):



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