Hitachi XL3000 Desk 3TB USB 2.0 External Drive Review

Storage/HDD by stefan @ 2011-02-06

Hitachi have recently launched their external XL3000 desktop HDDs; these come in elegantly shaped enclosures, with the possibility of mounting both horizontally and vertically, also with enough free space for most of us to store our favourite movies, photos, games and other data.

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A Closer Look Continued

The HDD enclosure has an interesting shape, all black, and it can be used in both horizontal or vertical positions:


In the front, there is a Hitachi logo, which lights up nicely when the HDD is turned on:


On the opposite side, we can see the full drive name, some serial numbers, and a blue sticker that covers the power and USB data ports:


The laterals of the enclosure have ventilation holes, to evacuate the hot air; however, no fan is present inside the plastic enclosure:


If we look closer on the back side, after the removal of the blue sticker, we can reveal the power and data ports, along with a Kensington Security Slot:


Here is how the drive does look when the enclosure is mounted vertically, with the dock attached:


When the drive is in stand-by, the Hitachi logo will stay lit; if transfers are being made, the logo starts to blink:


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