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Stefan Mileschin 26th April 2021 14:45

One bloke makes Apple look really silly
Holes in App store review system cause fanboys to fall for scams

The fruity cargo cult Apple's app review process protects users as effectively as a chocolate teapot makes tea and this has been highlighted by one bloke who finds scams on the store without any hardware or software.

According to The Verge, Kosta Eleftheriou, over the past few months, has made a convincing case that Apple is either uninterested or incompetent at stopping multimillion-dollar scams in its own App Store.

This is rather important as Apple's in the fight of its life, both in the courts and in Congress, to prove its App Store is a well-run system that keeps users safe instead of an evil monopoly that exists only to make Apple wealthy at the expense of everyone else.

Eleftheriou had repeatedly found scam apps that prey on ordinary iPhone and iPad owners by luring them into a "free trial" of an app with seemingly thousands of fake 5-star reviews, only to charge them outrageous sums of money for a recurring subscription that many don't understand how to cancel.

"It's a situation that most communities are blind to because of how Apple is essentially brainwashing people into believing the App Store is a trusted place", Eleftheriou told The Verge.

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