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Sidney 7th June 2005 01:47

DVD Decrypter bites the dust
“DVD Decrypter is a free tool that allows you to decrypt and copy DVDs to your PC's hard disk,” he said on his site, once upon a time.

A “certain company" has “decided they don"t like what I’m doing (circumventing their protection) and have come at me like a pack of wolves,” says Lightning UK in a post on cdfreaks, going on:

“I’ve no choice but to cease everything to do with DVD Decrypter.I realise this is going to be one of those "that sucks - fight them!" kinda things, but at the end of the day, it"s my life and I"m not about to throw it all away (before it has even really started) attempting to fight a battle I can"t possibly win.”

Faiakes 7th June 2005 07:17


I use that tool every other day. not to make DVDs of my own. I couldn't care less. But I rent something from the video store, don't get around to watch, so I save it until I do have some time and then delete the file.

Those greedy :excellent bastards!

jmke 7th June 2005 22:17

one down, another one up

Sidney 7th June 2005 22:39

no decrypting

jmke 7th June 2005 22:43

AnyDVD is a driver, which descrambles DVD-Movies automatically in the background. This DVD appears unprotected and region code free for all applications and the Windows operating system as well. With AnyDVD's help, backup tools like CloneDVD, Pinnacl

DUR0N 7th June 2005 23:03

DVDdecrypter was a 'final' program, as long as they don't come up with new security techniques dvddecryper will do its magic.

Sidney 7th June 2005 23:22


new security techniques
It may well be installed on the next upcoming hit movie;)
But, I just found out recently that certain countries will not allow such a protection, rather they protect the consumers' right to have a second copy for their own use since they have purchased the product.

Faiakes 8th June 2005 06:58

ratDVD ain't no good, as lazyman said, it does decrypt the movie for watching.

Jmke: i can not be bothered with AnyDVD, besides I don't want to copy any film I just want to see it when I want.

Lazyman: do you happen to know which countries?

jmke 8th June 2005 07:37

au contraire mon ami, AnyDVD works very good here; I bought DVD's from Amazon USA, these are Region 1, with AnyDVD I can play them on my PC:)

Faiakes 8th June 2005 13:04

But I only want to store what I rent from the videoclub in case I have to return it before I see it!

Monsieur Jmke

jmke 8th June 2005 14:20

I just want to be able to see my Region 1 DVD's I bought:
- Family Guy S1/S2/S3
- SouthPark S1->S6
- "OZ" S1&S2
- "24" S1&S2


Faiakes 8th June 2005 16:27

Do you have:

- Simpsons (all)
- Star Trek: Voyager
- What's OZ?

jmke 8th June 2005 16:31

I don't have Simpons on DVD, don't like Star Trek

OZ :

S1&S2 are very good:)

Faiakes 9th June 2005 07:42

Don't like Star infidel, you shall burn in :grin: in Pluto's frozen hell.

OZ= prison drama right? Never seen or heard of it before.

Is it just me or isn't Family gay like a bad Simpsons spin off?

Is south park still on?

Is 24 any good? It is on here but never watched it.

Do you have Friends (all)?

Faiakes 9th June 2005 07:44

I forgot:

How about Stargate DVDs?

Babylon 5?

That weird spielberg Australian-American sci-fi series?

jmke 9th June 2005 07:51

OZ is pretty good yes, very convincing acting, good and gripping story the first two seasons

24 is a ride also, I watched them all in a row :)
Family Guy is a different kind of humor, a little bit more "adult" orientated, with more spicy topics. It's very good.

I'm not planning on buy Simpsons DVD unless they become a real bargain, with 16+ seasons running they'll ruin you quickly:)

I have the Friends Series 1->10 in a mega box; with 2 DVDs filled with extra's and bloopers. Also look into "Coupling" got Season 1->3 it's kind of a "Friends" look-a-like but with strangers topics, English humor and everything is about sex/

South Park is still on yes, they are at Season 9 if I'm not mistaken, received Season 1>6 yesterday from , had to pay €40 taxes :/

StarGate & Babylon are both in the Star Trek boat = not my cup of tea

Faiakes 9th June 2005 09:59

We might be a bit off topic here but that's ok.

Taxes? Explain quickly.

I have seen a few episodes of Family Guy, I think the fascist/elitist baby has the best lines.

Wait for a Blue-Ray DVD version of Simpsons? Yes very expensive, damn american capitalists :spank:

Coupling? Is that with the 3 couples (sort of...)? A blonde with an age fear, a brunette with long hair and a brunette with short hair? (If so, I like the brunette with the long hair:love: )

Is South Park still as funny as it was?

jmke 9th June 2005 10:01

Taxes = items are shipped from US; Belgian state finds it necessary to add 25% tax.

Coupling: you are correc

SP: funny as hell; "The Passion of the Jew" for example is already a golden oldie; from Season 8 or 9 I think; Parodie on the Mel Gibson movie

Faiakes 9th June 2005 11:52


I will catch up as soon as I get back to the UK.

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