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Sidney 7th November 2005 20:21

What is the return of $1,000?
Most of the forum members know the current and upcoming products in the PC industry. Not only do they know, they also understand what works and what doesn't. It is likely that they will also be able to tell which product is selling well. For example, most new PC assembled in 2005 are A64, rarely you will encounter Prescott owners. It is therefore, safe to say that AMD is doing better than Intel, right?

This will go hand in hand with DDR2 versus DDR1 sales along with Nvidia and ATI.

Assuming we put $1,000 aside in early 2005, rather than buying hardware we buy stock. With our know how, and "insight" of products, how well did we do by end of the year.

1) Put $1,000 in AMD stock; today you have about $1,600.
2) Put $1,000 in Nvidia; ~$1,400
3) Put $1,000 in ATI; ~$800
4) Put $1,000 in Intel; ~$1,000
5) Put $1,000 in Electronic Imaging; ~$1,650

I have been tracking Micron on memory market, however it is a little more complicated due to worldwide players condition.

Yes, I should have been more "aggressive" with stock than mutual fund. At present, AMD has given me $4,000 in profit; Intel $500 just for kicks. I see AMD will do better in than next few months over Intel. ATI is good a few months back; and it is still good and I look for $18 by year end.

Even if you don't invest, this is a good game to play with fake money just to see how well you judge a product :)

jmke 7th November 2005 20:24

I think AMD's rise will continue until the end of 2006 at least, there is nothing Intel is bringing out which can battle A64 CPU power, their new Intel core reduces heat, doesn't increase performance, so that's not a reason to switch.

AMD on the rise, but watch out for that Pentium M turned desktop CPU from Intel starting 2007 and beyond.

it's fun to have $5000 to "play" with :)

Sidney 7th November 2005 20:32

Investors don't look at presence earning which is important nevertheless, outlook outweights current. AMD is spinning off the money losing Flash Memory unit which will brighten the outlook much better inclusive of increase market share + what Jmke indicated.

ATI, perhaps is a buy with certain unknown .... its ability to deliver.

Here are the symbols for those who may be interested -

Intel - Intc
Micron - Mu
Nvidia - NVDA
Apple - APPL (great earning)
Microsoft - MSFT
Dell - DELL (poor Dell)

jmke 7th November 2005 20:34

Apple is making money with their none-PC products:)

Sidney 7th November 2005 20:37

AMD is taking (paid) me to China for 2 weeks :)

Yes, Apple is making money from iPods :D which continue to grow.

wutske 7th November 2005 20:49

I'm not so good in all those stocks stuff and so on.
But it seems like a good way to earn some money.

Anyone who could give me short explanation (short) about this.

And about those AMD stocks, would it realy be a good case to buy some and sell after a month orso (if stocks remain good ofcourse :D )

jmke 7th November 2005 21:09

I can buy AMD stocks from:

New York nyse 04-11-2005 24,630 0 USD 1
Munchen 04-11-2005 20,640 0 EUR 1
Frankfurt 03-11-2005 19,900 0 EUR

which one to get? :)

Sidney 7th November 2005 22:17

About location -

Depends on the broker you choose; nowadays, online broker fees are low. A buy or sell order costs about ~$10 to ~15. After you register you will be able to buy and sell on the fly. You have to have a bank account; or deposit fund into your market account. is a good example to start looking into; or your local online trading places. Go with the big and reputable firms.

Profit is taxable; losses could be credited to your income. Do check with your accountant.

You can sell your stock within hours after you purchase. It is called "short". Again, depends on country tax laws. Long term gain is for owning stock > 1year. Anything less is short term.

I'm merely saying doing is for fun or with fake money; like a school project at the beginning. Most websites provide the tool for your porfolios (record keeping), you don't have to actually own the stock, i.e. like a spread sheet keeping score based on date and price of purchase against current day value.

Certain On line broker provides transfer of fund from your checking to saving to market fund accounts .... look for one that provides the broader service; it also keeps track on your gain/loss for the tax year.

Warning - I lost over hundred of thousand $$ since year 2000; neverthless, it is an educational process. However, who is better in knowing the tech market, you or the Moms and Dads who do not know anything about computer .:)

DUR0N 10th November 2005 11:18


Profit is taxable; losses could be credited to your income. Do check with your accountant.
In Belgium it's only taxable, not deductable. Otherwise a whole lot of people wouldn't have been bankrupted by the famous L&H stunt.

Anyway, our knowledge of the products only gives us a slight advantage on mid-term investments. A company's cash-flow, profit, income and announcements have a much bigger inpact on the market value then a 'bad' product.

Sidney 10th November 2005 17:35

Here is a good place to start in finding out more - npu=y


Belgium it's only taxable, not deductable
Even when loss exceeding gain?

By the way, everyone in the developed countries is into it directly or indirectly; pension funds; govenment finance; the company you work for, etc. May as well have some understanding in how it works. :)

I have not begun talking about the game industry that most folks here have hell a lot more knowledge than I. :D

Sidney 10th November 2005 17:43

I'd better be careful for fear of a 19-year-old 2nd year Econ major tells me I speak nonsense.

jmke 10th November 2005 17:52

;-) don't play the elephant memory game please ;p

Sidney 10th November 2005 18:17

When I am wrong, I admit it so that I can correct myself and I like to be told. When others attack me, I defense myself. And, the attacker'd better be ready for a good fight. I don't fight if I cannot win.

Yes, after a few minutes, let by gone be by gone comes to mind - so does the second and minute pass by that will never return.

I thank many people who taught me great lessons when I was young; never worked with people who were not 10+ years old than I (my bosses). I am always grateful for their time and willingness to point out my wrongs and my "lack of general knowledge" and "specific knowledge".

I can sense another person's strength and weakness from hiring hundreds of people during my career. Give credit where credit is due (not kissing your Butts), you do have many qualities many older people won't come close.

I only wish I can play the "game" of life, I play poorly when I do.

Respectfully, ;p

DUR0N 10th November 2005 19:07


Originally posted by lazyman
Here is a good place to start in finding out more - npu=y

Even when loss exceeding gain?

By the way, everyone in the developed countries is into it directly or indirectly; pension funds; govenment finance; the company you work for, etc. May as well have some understanding in how it works. :)

I have not begun talking about the game industry that most folks here have hell a lot more knowledge than I. :D

I'm not exactly sure about the number, but I believe you have to give 5% of the earnings on bonds and stock. It doesn't appear anywhere in your personal tax.
Here many people use the 17% rule, which means your stock needs to go up more then 17% before you can sell it with reasonable profit.

Sidney 10th November 2005 20:23

Listing long term gains from stock grant options; nothing much aout short term; certainly can be looked into.

Off the topic; interesting read

Sidney 15th November 2005 16:05

For reason unknown AMD stock shot up to >$26 this morning (highest in the past three years) and >$1 higher than Intel, while the market is flat.

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