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UEBO M100 Digital Media Player Review @ APH Networks UEBO M100 Digital Media Player Review @ APH Networks
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UEBO M100 Digital Media Player Review @ APH Networks
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Old 27th October 2011, 07:47   #1
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Default UEBO M100 Digital Media Player Review @ APH Networks

Lately, you may have heard of my recent trip to Hong Kong. I believe Hong Kong is like my second home to me, because every time I visit, I take home something of great value. It was less than five years ago that I came back to Canada happily bringing home a Japanese PlayStation 3 (Japanese PS3s run on the same area code as North American PS3s) I got for a cheaper price, without tax, and of course, the opportunity to evade the immense waiting lines. At the time, the PlayStation 3 was just another gaming system that many parents loathed. For our family however, the gaming system became much more than a prosthetic used for killing Nazi Zombies, if you catch my drift. Surprisingly, my parents fully accepted the console and all its features. Wanted to watch a DVD? Turn on the PlayStation 3. Wanted to listen to music using an external storage device or a CD? Turn on the PlayStation 3. Wanted to watch a movie off an external storage device? Turn on the PlayStation 3. If we were feeling ambitious, we would buy a Blu-ray and guess what? We turned on the PlayStation 3. Heck, we even showed our parents YouTube videos using the PlayStation 3. However, as the saying goes, "All good things come to an end." When my brother moved out, let's just say that at times, my parents missed the PlayStation 3 more than him. It was not long before my parents forced me to go out shopping for another media player alternative. I soon ended up with a Patriot Box Office network media player, which was reviewed by my colleague Jonathan more than a year ago, because it did all that we wanted it to do for a reasonable price. But are there better things in the market today? Today, we have a new portable media player from UEBO. UEBO states that the M100 media player is stylish on the outside, and genius on the inside. Can it do all this and still be priced a reasonable amount? Read on to find out!
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