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Microsoft is a tale of two cities, claims spinner Microsoft is a tale of two cities, claims spinner
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Microsoft is a tale of two cities, claims spinner
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Old 30th August 2013, 06:28   #1
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Default Microsoft is a tale of two cities, claims spinner

Top Volester Frank Shaw has told Microsoft's critics that they are way off the mark and he is prepared to quote Charles Dickens to prove it.

Shaw is Vole’s top spinner and he had a bit of a rant about all the "writers and pundits" who suggest the sun has set on the glorious Microsoft empire.

In the post, he references the classic movie Rashomon as well as research on confirmation bias and quotes from Charles Dickens' book A Tale of Two Cities ("It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.")

Shaw's argument is that the naysayers are viewing the company through the wrong lens and incorrectly suggesting it is entering the worst of times as a result.

Looking at the coverage of Steve Ballmer’s retirement, he noticed that there are a few common themes.

One approach has been to focus exclusively on some of Microsoft’s consumer businesses, and then judge it harshly while ignoring the successes Microsoft have had elsewhere. Another approach has been to go a step further, and criticise Volish myopia, he wrote.
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