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Google announces offline editing for Docs, available later today Google announces offline editing for Docs, available later today
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Google announces offline editing for Docs, available later today
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Old 29th June 2012, 06:50   #1
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Default Google announces offline editing for Docs, available later today

We're live at day two of I/O and the theme of this keynote is all about "Going Google." With this focus on Mountain View's various cloud-based apps, Clay Bavar, Director of Product Management for Google Apps, announced that Docs will now work offline for editing. In the onstage demo, Bavar was able to log into several devices, including a Nexus phone and tablet, to interact and collaborate in real-time on a document. Thanks to the smooth syncing at work, edits made from each device showed up as they were being entered, keystroke-by-keystroke. Now, those edits can also be created without a working internet connection and synced up later. You won't have to wait long, either, to take this offline mode for a test spin, as the feature will be enabled later in the day, with that functionality "coming soon" for presentations and spreadsheets. Check out the official PR after the break.
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