Razer BlackWidow Ultimate Mechanical Gaming Keyboard Review @ NikKTech

@ 2012/12/19
It really seems that no matter how many PC gaming peripherals we get to test in these pages there are always more around and with Christmas just around the corner we don't have that much left time to publish each and every single one of those reviews, at least not prior to entering 2013. The good thing however when testing gaming peripherals is that you can actually test more than just one at a time (for example a keyboard, a mouse, a mouse pad and a headset) and so with the recent release of several game titles such as Far Cry 3, Assassins Creed 3, Planetside 2 and Hitman absolution we had just the right material/tools with which to perform all our tests. So today we will be taking a rather thorough look on the BlackWidow Ultimate Mechanical Gaming Keyboard by Razer.

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