Icy Dock MB981U3S-1S HDD Docking Station @ Hi Tech Legion

@ 2012/11/02
Time after time Icy Dock has delivered products that are rock solid in every aspect, and the MB981U3S-1S HDD Docking Station is no exception. While docking stations are not an item that would be “feature rich”, the Icy Dock MB981U3S-1S covers all of the functions one could ask for and does it in typical excellent fashion. The MB981U3S is capable of both 2.5” and 3.5” drive compatibility with a simple drop in. Connectivity features 5Gbps USB 3.0 SuperSpeed, as well as 3Gbps eSATA. Backwards compatibility to USB 2.0 assures that usage with older computers will not be an issue. The MB981U3E features a rugged ABS outer shell, with dual opening dust cover for easy drive insertion. An oversized eject button makes drive removal as easy as a simple button push. The On/Off button has a built in LED with power and drive activity indicators. Included with the MB981U3E-1S are USB 3.0 and eSATA cables as well as power adapter.

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