RAIDON Hybrid Runner iH2420-2S-S2 Review @ NikKTech

@ 2012/08/13
Although casual users, gamers and enthusiasts have always been our primary focus group I've also done my best to secure and test several devices targeted towards professionals and enterprise users in general during the past years. We all know that in many occasions' professionals and enthusiasts are after the same high end performance parts but professionals and enterprise users alike also seek extra protection for their sensitive data and that's mainly as to why they belong in an entirely different focus group. Now two days ago we tested a dual bay 3.5" USB 3.0 RAID 0/1 enclosure by Akitio but what about people who want fast performance and reliability in a far smaller package? Well RAIDON may just have the answer with their latest Hybrid Runner iH2420-2S-S2 2.5" SSD/HDD combo device.

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