Pirate Bay enjoys Streisand effect

@ 2012/06/21
BT is the latest British ISP to ban The Pirate Bay.

It was forced to do so by a court order and the straight URL now simply brings up an error message that reads: "Error - site blocked". BT went the extra mile by blocking additional IP addresses issued by the Pirate Bay to get around the ban.

According to Torrent Freak, though, the Pirate Bay issued its own alternative IP addresses almost immediately, circumventing BT's ban just minutes after it went into action. As Torrent Freak points out, proxy sites have already cropped up which dodge many of the various ISP's censorship attempts, with the UK's Pirate Party hosting its own mirror - becoming one of the top 600 most visited web pages in the country.

So far, the Courts' decision to ban the Pirate Bay seems to be its best marketing tool. This is called the Streisand effect, described by Wikipedia as "a primarily online phenomenon in which an attempt to hide or remove a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicising the information more widely".

The content industry's pursuit against file sharing is turning into a game of arthritic, ancient cat versus an army of mice. On rollerskates. Rocket powered ones.

People who want to pirate content are still able to do so. The Pirate Bay is far from the only way to share files on the internet, and, besides, it is still accessible to most people who are able to perform a web search. Leaning on Google to heavily censor its results - as the content industry has done - will drive users to unfiltered search services.

Clamping down on the Pirate Bay will be too little too late, and it brings to mind the heroic chest-beating and backpatting the industry gave itself when it finally shut down the totally irrelevant Limewire. The pirates, it seems, are the innovators.

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