Samsung E60 e-reader review

@ 2010/07/28
Ebooks are becoming more and more popular amongst the average consumer. Whereas up until recently most ebooks were bought by ‘early adopters’ who love gadgets and who bought an ereader for the high gimmick factor, lately more and more ereader devices are becoming available. As a result, prices for ereaders have dropped and supply of ebooks has increased very much. With the popularity of Apple’s iPad and the heavily promoted ‘iBooks’ functionality to buy and read books, more and more people will come into contact with electronic books.

This review focuses on the Samsung E60 “electronic reading & writing device”, which is a special 6 inch tablet dedicated to read ebooks. For this purpose, it has a so-called e-ink display, which – contrary to the Apple iPad, does not make use of any backlighting and therefore is very relaxing to read text; almost identical to reading a ‘real’ book. Another difference is that the e-ink display is perfect readable in direct sunlight, where your iPad would only function as a mirror. Downside of e-ink displays is that external lighting is required (just like a traditional book you need to switch on the lamp to read) – and of course the lack of color display (although these are underway).

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