Sapphire ATI Radeon 5870 2gig Eye-Infinity 6 Video Card

@ 2010/04/14
I have a lot that I could say about the 5870 Eye-Infinity 6 Video Card. I will start with the good things! The video card as a gaming card is great! Running games in max settings with full AA in 1980×1080 resolution is pure gaming goodness. Now after testing using the Eye-Infinity 6 setup the gaming side of running that many monitors is limited and to me kind of silly. Sure I do love the fact of running games and gaming on such a huge display. The down side is the gaming is laggy. Now if I could run 6 monitors in 5760×2160 resolution and get 60+ FPS in any game. Then the gaming world would be perfect. Well almost perfect.

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