Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 benchmarked

@ 2009/11/12
Infinity Ward's Engine already liked Geforce graphics cards in Modern Warfare and World at War - the same applies for Modern Warfare 2: Thus the Geforces GTX 285 and GTX 275 are beating the Radeon HD 5850, the GTX 260-216 beats the HD 4890 and the GTS 250 is (most of the time) as fast as the HD 4870. The latter one doesn't really need more than 512 MiByte VRAM and only above 1920 x 1200 with 4x MSAA the fps drop. As long as about 30 fps are enough for you, a Radeon HD 4850 or a 8800 GTS are fast enough. But actually Modern Warfare 2 gets really smooth above 70 fps (keyword: precise aiming).

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