OCCT GPU Load Test Makes ATI HD 4870/4890 Cards Crash

@ 2009/05/19
Recently, I've been working alot on the RC1 version, and especially on the GPU:3D test. It has been improved dramatically, and this new test revealed a hardware design flaw in the new Radeon HD4870/4890 cards who followed the ATI/AMD reference design. Cards like Asus 4870PCS+ are NOT affected, as they are custom design.

They basically crash because they can't handle the load. Early testing shows the VRM cannot supply enough power to the card. That's the only thing i could dig until now, with limited testing means. They seem limited to 82/83A. Please help us dig more !

For a 3d developer, that means : "Do not optimize your code too much for ATI cards, or you could reach the limits, and crash them".

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