DDRdrive's X1 product can hit 300000 IOPS

@ 2009/05/04
If the new DDRdrive can deliver on the promises of its manufacturer, it may have the potential to grow into a contender no one saw coming. It isn’t the typical SSD you would buy for your home PC, but if you are looking for massive IOPS performance without spending half a million dollars, for example to accelerate a certain portion of a database, this may be an interesting product to look to.

The DDRdrive X1 is a PCIe Gen 1-based hybrid SSD, combining 4 GB of DDR memory and 4 GB of NAND flash memory. The DRAM portion is used to take advantage of speed when needed while the NAND part is used for backups. The manufacturer claims that a full 4 GB backup can be performed in about 60 seconds and the drive can scale 1:1 with multiple drives in operation. So, for example, you could use eight cards for a 32 GB capacity and still do a 32 GB backup in 60 seconds, which is an amazing feat.

Comment from jmke @ 2009/05/04
thanks! too much c/p action
Comment from Alien @ 2009/05/04
Wrong link, dude. This is the correct 1.