Intel says no to 28nm, focuses on 22nm: Ivy Bridge/Haswell & Larrabee

@ 2009/04/17
With the release of 28nm toolkits to members of IBM Technology Alliance, the attention turned to Intel and how Intel plans to counter the future 28nm chips from AMD/ATI [manufactured by GlobalFoundries] and other competitors.

We spoke with several sources close to the heart of the company, and unfortunately, we were able to get off-the-record statements only - hence the bracketing of this story as a "Rumor". According to one source, half-node such as 28nm process is typically never used with CPUs, due to custom libraries [transistor design] used in CPU manufacturing. It is too expensive to change masks in full-node/half-node/full-node rhythm, and Intel decided against it.
Intel's 32nm chips

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