VIA announces Trinity

@ 2008/12/20
NOW THAT its love affair with Nvidia is officially over, VIA is back on its feet - sore knees and all - and in typical divorcee manner is affirming its independence by doing its own thing.

Unsurprisingly, after 'VIA Grace' and 'VIA Glory' the fabless company has come up with the 'VIA Trinity' - it's that time of the year again you see.

Via's divine inspiration combines a Nano or C7 processor with a VX800 'media system processor', that is, chipset, plus a discrete S3 Chrome HD-capable GPU, and is aimed at Hi-Definition media systems, Netbooks and MIDs. VIA says it's the world's only 3-chip solution featuring a discrete GPU. We guess VIA thinks Nvidia peddles its goods only on the Moon, then.

It probably took VIA all of 24 hours to bung these parts together and come up with something that resembles Nvidia's Ion, considering that Trinity is made up of bits and pieces that have been around for a while. Via has revealed no hard dates or pricing.

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