Far Cry 2 themed Playstation 3 mod

@ 2008/10/25
A while back, I received an email from Ubisoft asking me for some concept art for a potential Far Cry 2 mod based on Sony's Playstation 3. Ubisoft had been pleased with my past work when I worked with it on a number of similar projects for Assassin's Creed and Rainbow Six: Vegas 2, so with such a big game I needed to create something special.

I sketched out a rough idea of how the mod would look. I wanted to include plenty of the war-torn African elements from the game, so included a machete, an AK-47 magazine, bullet casings and giant bugs, as well as the idea for the battle damaged PS3. All of this would be set on a sandy-looking base that would look like I'd carved out a piece of land from the African savannah where the game is set.

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