Hitachi Deskstar 7K1000 Terabyte Hard Drive

@ 2008/09/10
Hitachi LOGOFor many years, hard disk drives were large, cumbersome devices, more suited to use in the protected environment of data centres or large offices than in a harsh industrial environment (due to their delicacy), or small office or home (due to their size and power consumption).

The capacity of hard drives has grown exponentially over time. With early personal computers, a drive with a 20 megabyte capacity was considered large. During the mid to late 1990s, when PCs were capable of storing not just text files and documents but pictures, music, and video, internal drives were made with 8 to 20 GB capacities. As of mid 2008, desktop hard disk drives typically have a capacity of 500 to 750 gigabytes, while the largest-capacity drives are 1.5 terabytes.

Today we have have the pleasure of testing one of the largest capacity HDD's available on the market - the Hitachi Deskstarâ„¢ 7K1000 1TB hard drive. Interestingly, Hitachi were the first to market with a 1TB HDD and the DeskStar 7K1000 is the direct result of Hitachi's dedication to pushing the technological envelope. Let's begin the review by taking a look at the Hitachi DeskStar 7K1000 1TB's specifications...

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