New Playstation 3 80Gb has 65nm GPU >> Power Savings!

@ 2008/08/24
However, I ran the 80GB Core unit into a Kill-a-watt and confirmed that the power draw is SLIGHTLY lower (10%) than the 40GB unit.
40GB PS3
* XMB idle - 125.8 watts
* DVD playback - 141.2 watts
* PS3 MGS4 - 155.2 watts
80GB PS3 Core
* XMB idle - 111.9 watts
* DVD playback - 126.0 watts
* PS3 MGS4 - 130.0 watts
Overall, you can notice a consistent 15-25 watt savings average, which honestly does not amount to much. I did not open the Core unit to examine the internals (I'll leave that to someone else at the risk of voiding the warranty), but I've pretty much concluded that the 80GB Core unit includes some additional energy savings, albeit very slight and probably not worth the upgrade if you already purchased a 40GB system.

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