Review: Painkiller

@ 2004/04/30
Ever since primeval man first glanced up at the moon and threw stones at it, the very presence and form of the preternatural has been one of the lodestones of our lives. According to many theologians and philosophers, there is only one overwhelming question: what becomes of us after death? Once we have found the truth therein, everything else falls conveniently into place like a game of Tetris. Of course, this is perhaps a question more problematical to answer than modern teasers such as ‘where did Jimmy Saville’s sanity go?’ and ‘how do birds know to defecate on my freshly polished car?' For aeons, cultures have argued and fought over the supposed realities of the ‘afterlife’, and there have been some fascinating concepts espoused: the feasting halls of Valhalla (complete with buxom Valkyries), the flaming pits of Tartarus/Genenna and Anubis weighing your heart against a feather. To paraphrase Socrates; of death we know one thing: we know nothing. Daniel Garner, the grizzled and curiously Mad Max-like protagonist of Painkiller, would argue that…

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