Fancy images prove HSF Lapping Drops CPU Temperature

@ 2008/06/25
Heatsink lapping has been used as one means to improve heatsink performance. As part of evaluations IC Diamond is doing to better understand user thermal grease performance data, a special pressure sensitive film from Sensor Products was given to a number of users in different forums who agreed to participate in this test using their own PCs as a test bed.

The test involved first inserting the pressure film between the heatsink and CPU and bolting the heatsink on. The film was sent to Sensor Products for data analysis - it records pressures on the IHS from 30 to 90 pounds which is translated into data and images for analysis by Sensor Products. After lapping, a new film was used again to record the difference in contact area and pressure. For each test, IC Diamond was applied and temperatures were recorded.

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