NVIDIA D10U-20 also in the works

@ 2008/04/08
Can it be that Nvidia will bring a real next generation product just a quarter after it released its 9800 series? Well, we don’t have the answer to that particular question, but as we reported here, Nvidia is working on a new GPU codenamed D10U-30. The D10U-30 will feature 1,024MB of GDDR3 memory and we learned that there will be one more SKU below it.

The second one is codenamed D10U-20 and it will have 896MB of memory, again of the GDDR3 flavor. This new card indicates that Nvidia can play with the memory configuration and that the new chip might support more than the regular 256-bit memory interface.

Comment from Kougar @ 2008/04/08
Also related: http://www.fudzilla.com/index.php?op...47&Ite mid=34

896MB is a rather funky number.