Intel "copied everything from AMD"

@ 2007/12/02
HECTOR RUIZ, AMD'S CEO, presumably headed back home after opening an R&D centre in Bangalore, took time off to talk to Gulf News, and said some interesting things.

One was that every single innovation in computing technology came from AMD, and not one from Intel.

He has a point, in a way. Intel copied X86-64 technology, even though Intel claimed to us AMD had copied its stuff.

Intel is copying AMD by putting memory stuff in next year's "Nehalem" although it could be very reasonably argued that AMD copied that idea from the DEC Alpha chip.

One thing Intel certainly didn't copy is AMD's poor financial performance. AMD had a lead in technology, but Intel wouldn't let that stay around for long and has clawed its way back in the last two to three years. Read more at Gulf News

Comment from Kougar @ 2007/12/03
Originally Posted by geoffrey View Post
Intel was the first one to make a real 'microprocessor', the Intel 4004 from begin 70's, who copied first?
Very true. Intel was the one creating designs that the clone microprocessor market copied, which was exactly how AMD started out to begin with. AMD started out by reverse-engineering a clone of the Intel 8080.

I wouldn't invest in a company whose own CEO either doesn't know his company's history or prefers to gloss it over while making sweeping statements about the competition.
Comment from Wolf2000me @ 2007/12/02
Copying, reverse engineering, using idea's,... Everybody does it so it should by no means be an excuse. It's the resulting product that counts.
Comment from geoffrey @ 2007/12/02
Intel was the first one to make a real 'microprocessor', the Intel 4004 from begin 70's, who copied first?
Comment from Rutar @ 2007/12/02
Ruiz kinda reminds me of a BF-Kiddie screaming "cheater" aftern getting pwned
Comment from Sidney @ 2007/12/02
And, don't forget Microsoft and Bill Gates, together they manage to copy everything they have. Bottom line? Smart business is the key; too bad at times.