Holiday Buyers Guide, Part I: CPUs, GPUs, Mobos, and RAM

@ 2007/11/28
Inevitably, around this time of year people repeat two questions like a daily mantra. What do you want for Christmas? What should I ask "Santa" to bring me? (Feel free to insert your own appropriately politically correct holiday references.) We won't try to say that it's better to give than to receive, but assuming the giving and/or receiving involves a computer geek, we can at least try to provide some good advice on what sort of packages might bring the most joy to this holiday season.

Comment from Sidney @ 2007/11/28
We have some of the items reviewed here; for the budget minded.

e2140 and Asrock board; the E2140 did go up to 3.12Ghz but couldn't make it to 3.2.

e4400 and e4500